Get The Inside Scoop!

Hello everyone!

If you’re an EDS, etc. subscriber, you probably already know that I’m constantly seeking out new tips, resources, and practices that allow me to optimize my health and reach my goals…and I LOVE sharing what I learn. There’s so much information that I know now that I wish I could have learned 30 years ago. Since I can’t go back in time, the next best thing is to spread this knowledge around so that other peoples’ journeys can be a little easier than mine has been.

Since launching this website, I’ve been continuing to think about how I can best convey all the information I want to share with you all. I realized that many of the things I do on a daily basis that allow me to show up as my best self are best shared in short videos. To that end, I’ve begun sharing the ins-and-outs of my health journey on Instagram and TikTok (check out my most popular TikTok video to date).

In the few weeks that I’ve been sharing on these social media platforms, I’ve been thoroughly delighted at the response. I’ve heard from so many people about how the tips I’ve shared have already impacted their lives, and that the resources and knowledge have blown their minds. Engaging on these platforms also makes it easier for people to reach out to me with questions and feedback, and to request videos on certain topics. I cannot adequately express how fulfilling it is to know that the information I’m sharing is helping people.

If you're not already connected with me on Instagram and TikTok, I encourage you to do so. You can find me @AriellaCohenColeman on Instagram and TikTok (I’m also on LinkedIn, where I talk about bringing wellness into law).

Thanks for joining me on this journey!



You Can Stop United Healthcare From Harming More Patients


Breathing and Carbon Dioxide Tolerance